Welcome to our Test Kitchen
This is the most fun part of being a chocolate maker. This is where creativity reigns, and where we get to see what things taste like. If it knocks our socks off, we design the packaging and post it up here for all to enjoy!
This is the most fun part of being a chocolate maker. This is where creativity reigns, and where we get to see what things taste like. If it knocks our socks off, we design the packaging and post it up here for all to enjoy!
- Test Batches of new cacao beans from new origins
- Limited Batches of things we might only make once
- Special Batches using cacao beans that we may not have steady access to, may be an older crop, or may be really difficult to obtain!
- Stuff we enjoy making, or get asked for a lot, but isn’t really part of our Full Time collection
- More Being Made!
- Dark Chocolate
70% Orange & Sea Salt
- $12.00
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- More Being Made!
- Dark Chocolate
60% Raspberry Lemongrass
- $12.00
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